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Block iterator(vector 編2, matrix 編2) - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(15)
This blog post discusses how to use MonoImageBlockIterator for vector and matrix blocks in Python, specifically for image compression using block averages. It includes code snippets and tests for generating images with block means. (by Notion AI)
Block iterator(matrix 編1) - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(13)
This article is part of a series on learning Python, and focuses on block-based iterators in the context of matrices. The author provides a test for the generate_with_block_trans function, which swaps blocks of a matrix based on a given index, and modifies the implementation to support matrices. Additionally, they add tests to ensure the function handles cases where the index and block sizes do not match, and where there are no remainders. (by Notion AI)
Block iterator(vector 編1) - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(12)
This blog post describes a test for an iterator that accesses blocks of data. The post includes an explanation of the test code and the implementation of the block iterator. It also includes some explanations of specific expressions used in the code. This post was originally written in Ruby and has been migrated to Astro-Notion-Blog for recordkeeping purposes. (by Notion AI)
Pixel iterator(vector 版) - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(9)
This blog post discusses the development of a pixel iterator for a vector-based image editor. Specifically, it focuses on the testing of the generate_with_int_hist function and the implementation of the pixel iterator. The post provides detailed explanations of the code, making it an excellent resource for learning how to develop pixel iterators in Python. (by Notion AI)
full と fill のテスト - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(8)
この記事では、PythonにおけるNumPyのfullとfillメソッドのテストについて解説しています。また、これらのメソッドに関連するzerosやonesといった特殊版のメソッドのテストについても触れています。記事の最後には、Notion AIによる自動生成ということを示す(by Notion AI)という文字列が追加されています。
コンストラクタラッパーの作成 - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(6)
This blog post describes the process of creating a constructor wrapper and generator constructor for MonoImage in Python, as well as adding a comparison helper method. The author also discusses the importance of understanding the repr method for object comparison. (by Notion AI)
Python 環境の作成 - Rubyist の Python 学習記録(3)

このブログページは、Python環境の作成について書かれた記事です。Python 3のインストール方法から、Jupyter Labの導入方法まで詳しく解説されています。記事は古いものですが、記録のために移行されたものです。(by Notion AI)